Your email provider is blacklisted

Why are purchases from my email account not allowed anymore?

Recently it has come to our attention that companies specialized in game-key reselling were using Nuuvem and its considerable lower prices, to resell keys in other regions or countries. With a recent spike in purchases from these companies, we have become concerned that Nuuvem's lower prices would wound up being used and sold on unauthorized marketplaces and regions.
Nuuvem's commitment to gamers always comes first and it is our belief that such reselling ends up hurting gamers and publishers in the long run. 
For that reason Nuuvem has opted from this moment on to blacklist all key-resellers e-mail domains used to purchase keys to avoid such practice.

What happens to my Nuuvem account if my domain was blocked even though I am a legitimate user?

As of this moment your Nuuvem account will remain active and you will still be able to access your previously purchased games. You won't, however, be able to make any new purchases using this account.

What should I do if I am an e-mail provider and believe that our domain was wrongly blacklisted?

At the moment we are not reviewing requests to de-blacklist domains, however if you do believe there is an error on our part, please contact us on our support pages.